2024 2XE – PhD Internship Scholarship at The University of Adelaide, Australia

Closing date: 15 June 2024
Student type: Domestic and International students are eligible for this scholarship program.
Level of study: Postgraduate Research

Study area: Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics (ABLE)
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET)
Scholarship value: 60 FTE business days

Description: The Adelaide Graduate Research School (AGRS) and 2XE are partnering to create an internship opportunity for University of Adelaide PhD students.2024/2025 2XE – PhD Internship Scholarship at The University of Adelaide now is open. The 2XE research internship is centred on advancing data analysis and developing tools for deploying transformative technologies within the renewable and smart energy sectors. Situated in a highly sustainability-focused setting, this role involves evaluating potential energy efficiency initiatives and enhancing strategies and tools aimed at achieving net-zero emissions.
To be eligible for the scholarship,the PhD student must be:
· within the first 18 months of their candidature,
· willing to undertake the research internship for a minimum duration of 60 FTE business days,
· making satisfactory progress, and
· undertaking research in an area aligned with the proposed research internship project
How to apply: apply online
More info: https://scholarships.adelaide.edu.au/Scholarships/postgraduate-research/faculty-of-arts-business-law-and-economics-able/2xe-phd